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In-Year Appeals Information

If you have applied for a place at the school and it is outside of the normal co-ordinated round of admissions for a place in Year 7, it is known as an In-Year Application.

If your son or daughter is unsuccessful in gaining a place at the school, and you wish to appeal, you will need to send a completed Notice of Appeal, by post, or hand-delivered to Admissions Officer, Northampton School, c/o Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT. Appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal paperwork being received by the school.

If you have any questions in relation to submitting your appeal, please contact the Admissions Officer at the school, on 01604 815815, who will be able to advise you.

Please do not use the documents below for Year 7 2025 entry appeals as a designated Appeal form will be available on our website for this after 1st March 2025, once school allocations have been notified to parents by the Local Authority.

Our In-Year Notice of Appeal form together with Guidance Notes can be found below.  If you have any queries in relation to this process after reading these documents, please contact the Admissions Officer at the school.



Please see below a statement from the Clerk to the independent appeal panel

Note from the Independent School Appeal Clerk - The appeal process in 2024.

Your appeal will be heard remotely.

All Admission Authorities are required to comply with the School Admission Appeals Code. This was most recently updated in October 2022 and allows for the Admission Authority to make arrangements for appeals to be heard by video conference or, in the absence of that, by telephone. That is the decision of the Admission Authority for Northampton School for Boys.

All admission appeals for this school have been heard remotely since the beginning of the Pandemic in March 2020, and I have been happy - as well as a little surprised - at how well it has worked. During the Pandemic there was no other option than for the appeal to be heard in this way and ultimately it became clear that this format offered benefits to all participants including efficiency and convenience.

All you need is access to a PC, a mobile telephone, or a tablet. You can choose the most comfortable place from where to present your appeal case, you will not have to appear within a more formal setting, and you will not have to travel to a venue to be heard.

Through the appeal administrator, the Admission Authority has made sure that no appellant has been disadvantaged by their appeal being heard in this way. Any unexpected issues that have arisen with the use of technology have been overcome to prevent any disadvantage and provide all appellants with a fair opportunity to put their appeal case to the Independent Appeal Panel.

If you have any personal issues or restrictions that you feel might undermine your appeal being heard in this way, you can contact the appeal administrator, and he will look to provide any reasonable adjustments to give you the chance to participate in the same way and to the same level as any other appellant.

The most important aspect for me is that you are offered a fair chance to present your appeal circumstances to the Independent Appeal Panel. If so, you will have had every opportunity to try and secure a place at this school by making an appeal.”

Robert Hartgroves – Independent School Appeal Clerk, February 2024.