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Admissions Process and Supplementary Information Form for September 2025 entry

Admissions applications will be opened in early September

The deadline for applications for Year 7, September 2025 entry, is midnight on Thursday 31st October 2024.  If you name Northampton School as one of your choices on your Local Authority application form before the deadline date, you will receive an invite from us for your child to attend our Common Ability Test on Saturday 16th November.  You MUST also complete the Northampton School Supplementary Information Form to ensure we have all your details correctly and also the Local Authority application form. If you make a Late Application, then you may not be invited to this test day and you may be considered after all on-time applications. Please see our Admissions Policy which can also be found below for full details in relation to the application process and how we process Late Applications.    

It is highly recommended that you read the full details of our admissions process which can be found below, before applying to the school.

Presentation Evenings

All students and their parents/carers will have the opportunity to attend a Presentation Evening on either Monday 23rd September 2024 or Wednesday 25th September 2024 at The Main Hall of Northampton School.

For more information about the Presentation Evenings, please click on this link.

Open Morning Tours

All students and their parents/carers will have the opportunity to attend a tour of the school during the week beginning Monday 30th September 2024. Further details on how to book a place on these will be released in September 2024.

Application Process For September 2025 Entry

Northampton School is part of the Local Authority's co-ordinated scheme. Parents applying for a place at the school need to complete the Local Authority's own application form AND Northampton School's Supplementary Information Form.  Links for both forms will be found below in September. Both have a deadline for completion of midnight on 31st October 2024.

Applications for Northampton School must be made via your Local Authority.  If that is North or West Northants, you can access this on the links below.  Please also ensure that you complete the Northampton School Supplementary Information Form on the red link below.


Click here to complete the local authority application form if you live in north northants  




The full timelines can be accessed by clicking on this link.

Optional Aptitude Tests

Northampton School has specialisms in the Performing Arts (Drama/Dance/Music) and Sports with 10% of places allocated to students demonstrating the highest levels of aptitude in these areas.

To find out more information about these aptitude tests please click on this link.

Please note that these tests are not a compulsory part of the admissions process and you are strongly advised to listen to, or read, the admissions presentation and FAQs before booking a place on these.

Links to book places on the Aptitude Tests will go live in September 2024 after the Presentation Evenings.

Common Ability Test

All applicants* will be required to sit a Common Ability Test in order to be considered for a place at Northampton School. The test will be held on Saturday 16th November 2024 at Northampton School for Boys and full details of this test will be provided following the closing date for applications and by the end of Friday 8th November at the latest.

We will write to applicants after the application closing date with the time of their Common Ability Test.

*Please note that boys who apply to both Northampton School and Northampton School for Boys for September 2025 entry will only have to take the Common Ability Test once.

Offers of a place at Northampton School

If you are successful in your application, we will write to you with a confirmed offer of a place for Northampton School by Monday, 3rd March 2025. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified in writing with details of the relevant appeal process.

On 3rd March 2025, all parents/carers will also receive an offer from the Local Authority.